The crypto ecosystem like every other determinant of market behavior thrives on trends. What was trend in 2021 in crytpo are gradually going out of season. In 2022, new competitions, projects, companies, technologies and Influencers are springing up with new innovations to displace or challenge the leading market trend setters.
Cryptocurrency in 2021 witnessed growth.The overall market value of cryptocurrencies increased by about $1.5 trillion in 2021 to about $2.3 trillion as of Dec. 17, according to tracker CoinGecko, which counts almost 12,000 tokens. That’s magnanimously huge for an industry in it’s infancy. Let’s take a look on what to expect in crypto ecosystem in 2022.
NFT Will Become An Independent Industry
The crypto ecosystem in 2022 is bound to expand more with latest trends while solidifying some existing trends. The NFT Space is growing into mainstream world. With Coinbase NFT Marketplace which enables direct purchase of NFTs with banks cards instead of cryptocurrencies, NFT is gradually carving a niche as an independent industry. The trend has gone to arts exhibitions, which now acknowledges and host live mainstream art festivals for NFT Artists. Recently NFT Art London was recently established to host and exhibit strictly works of NFT cryptartists. The London NFT gallery works with NFT creators to act as bridge between traditional art community, original digital artists and new NFT artists. NFT galleries are using blockchain technology to truly become the future of modern art. Pundits predict that NFT is becoming independent of the crypto space and will soon become an ecosystem of it’s own and with NFT arts serving as a value of exchange preferreble to gold. The 2022 NFT trend in crypto ecosystem will be explosive. This is the time to bolster interest in NFT. Join the trend.
Blockchain As A Field Of Study.
Blockchain adoption is spreading fast. It’s no longer a trend but part and parcel of today’s computation technology. The usage cuts across not just crypto ecosystem but all mainstream industries. Euromoney correctly defines blockchain as a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. … Blockchain is a type of distributed ledger in which transactions are recorded with an unchanging cryptographic signature called a hash.
Industry applications for blockchain industry has been adopted in almost all facet of industries operations. The trend wil become higher in 2022. Sectors like automotive industry, government, retails, health, banking are exploiting the efficiency of this technology. Education is needed to get more blockchain engineers. The training space for this sector of crypto ecosystem will trend . Demand for trainers will rise and many will be interested to learn. Many global universities have started offering opportunities to study blockchain. Recently , CoinDesk published lists of 50 top Universities that offers Blockchain education with National University of Singapore topping the list. Blockchain training in Nigeria is still in infancy stage, courses on cryptocurrency and Blockchain are mostly carried out by uncertified bodies that offer short term trainings. The trend will expand more in 2022.
Jobs Explosion In Crypto Ecosystem
Employment trends by career experts for 2022 lists job opportunities in crypto ecosystem as top five leading job trends in 2022. There is high demand for blockchain engineers, programmers for crypto projects, many crypto exchanges are listing vacancies from marketing experts to media influencers all for crypto ecosystem. The job trend will be higher for blockchain engineers, programmers and project management marketing experts. Others are Blockchain Engineers, Crypto Research Analyst, and Crypto/Blockchain Security Architect.
Emmergence and Implementation of Crypto Laws and Regulations.
Non existence of laws guiding the operations of crypto and investments has affected most countries’ crypto adoption efforts. The lack of regulatory framework has caused confusion with law executioners when it comes to interpretation. Central Banks who have control over traditional banks are banning banks from partnering with crypto ecosystem. Some of these restrictions crosses boundaries on existing laws as banks are mandated to freeze accounts of crytpo traders. Some affected entities have challenged Central Banks actions and won in court with simple reason that there is no laws on cryptocurrencies. The chaos has led to clamour for a legislative framework that will be favourable to all the parties. The Fintech law in Nigeria is ready and awaiting accent by the executive. It’s expected that 2022 will witness more specific laws for crypto ecosystem signaling the legal mainstream adoption of crypto industry.
The Metaverse, Netizens: an emerging and growing trend in crypto ecosystem that is all about social; simple put Internet and Citizens, Web 3, DAO, Domains name extension, gameFi play To Earn are some of the top trends that will define project concepts in crypto ecosystem in 2022. Thriving in Crypto Ecosystem requires up to date exposure to trending information on the ecosystem. Be more intentionally aware on happenings in crytpo ecosystem in 2022, so that you can catch up with the trend for profitable business decisions.