Opening prices for Wednesday, 30th November, 2022, updated rates on USD – USDT and other most popular cryptocurrencies on DiutoCoinNews. Quotations are expressed in Naira. Look for the virtual currency of your choice and check its average rate, market value and volume over the past 24 hours according to Binance and OKX P2P rates.
Bitcoin BTC: The BTC to NGN conversion rate today is ; Buy : NGN12,789,993.26. Sell: NGN12,619,191.51, and has decreased by 0.52% in the last 24 hours.
Ethereum: The ETH to NGN conversion rate today is; Buy: NGN 957,903.85. Sell: NGN 943,052.14 and has increased by 0.62% in the last 24 hours. Do x
BUSD: The BUSD to NGN conversion rate today is Buy: NGN 763.00. Sell: NGN 749.55, and has decreased by 0.3% in the last 24 hours.
USDT: The USDT to NGN conversion rate today is; Buy: NGN 756.80, Sell: NGN 751.12 and has decreased by 0.3% in the last 24 hours.
Rate Source: Binance and OKX P2P
Crypto Naira To USD Market Rate Today 30th November, 2022.
Also, these rates are the official crypto market rate of naira to usd today across major crypto-to-fiat and p2p trading platforms. Follow DiutoCoinNews on twitter today.
What You Must Know:
- Naira to USDT trading can offer you job opportunities where you can make gains selling naira for USDT as a vendor to different customers. You can apply as a merchant on both OKX and Binance P2P and make profit by making the trades.
- You must be careful to avoid scammers on the P2P platforms, One significant rule is that, YOU DO NOT RELEASE USDT UNTIL YOU RECEIVE NAIRA AND POSSIBLY TRANSFER IT OUT OF THAT NAIRA ACCOUNT. This is to avoid being a victim of a fake alert that stays in your bank account for up to 30 mins and disappears.
- You must and sell according to the naira to usd rates every day.
As a vendor you must know the daily rate of naira to usd (usdt).